Saturday, July 27, 2024

ISO-9004-TR-1kucuk - ISO-9004-TR-2kucuk - ISO9001-1tm - ISO9001-2tm - viscobelgetm - urosanmarkatm - veprotm

With our 40 Years’ Experience and Knowledge, UROSAN CHEMİCAL IND. CO. undertakes to

  • Always follow technological advancement through our specialist staff and experienced team
  • Perform fast and quality production based on incoming customer demands
  • Increase our efficiency and product range
  • Primarily treat quality consciousness to our employees
  • Continuous and fast development, advancing our quality further.

Bringing the concept of QUALITY FIRST in foam and standing behind its manufactured foams by sealing density on them, UROSAN will continue the tradition of always being the manufacturer of the firsts in the market by manufacturing new products in the forthcoming years.

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